Hands #105-109: Ping Liu Eliminated in Fourth Place ($97,510)

Mar 6, 2018

Elimination Ping Liu

Photo: Ping Liu

Hand #105: Ping Liu moves all in preflop for 1,205,000 on the button, and everyone else folds.

Hand #106: Ping Liu moves all in preflop for 1.4 million under the gun, and everyone folds.

Hand #107: Joe McKeehen raises to 500,000 preflop on the button, and everyone else folds.

Hand #108: Joe McKeehen raises to 200,000 preflop under the gun, and Ian Steinman reraises to 650,000 on the big blind. McKeehen folds so Steinman takes down the pot uncontested.

Hand #109: Ping Liu moves all in preflop for 1,415,000 preflop on the button, and Ian Steinman has him covered on the small blind. The two players then table their cards.

Steinman: Club ADiamond Q
Liu: Spade QClub 10

Board: Diamond KDiamond 8Heart 4Spade 5Heart 6

Liu is eliminated in fourth place, good for $97,510, and Steinman holds 5.3 million after the hand.

Ian Steinman – 5,300,000 (53 bb)
Ping Liu – Eliminated in Fourth Place ($97,510)

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