Hand #7: Aaron Kaiser Eliminated in 9th Place ($88,590); Toby Lewis Up to 4.28 Million

Feb 28, 2018

Aaron Kaiser
Photo:  Aaron Kaiser

Hand #7  –  Derek Wolters raises under the gun to 50,000, Dennis Blieden reraises from the cutoff to 163,000, and Aaron Kaiser uses one of his Time Chips to tank for a while before he moves all in from the button for 527,000.

Toby Lewis calls from the big blind, Wolters folds, and Blieden also calls. Any further betting will create a side pot between Lewis and Blieden.

The flop comes Spade 7Spade 5Heart 5, Lewis bets 450,000, and Blieden folds.

Kaiser turns over Club AClub K, but he needs to catch something runner-runner to stay alive against the Heart ADiamond A of Lewis.

The turn card is the Spade 4, the river card is the Club 10, and Lewis wins the pot with his pocket aces to eliminate Kaiser in ninth place.

Toby Lewis  –  4,280,000  (178 bb)
Dennis Blieden  –  2,900,000  (121 bb)
Aaron Kaiser  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($88,590)

Photo:  Toby Lewis
Toby Lewis

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