Phil Hellmuth vs. Aaron Kaiser

Feb 27, 2018

Phil Hellmuth

Aaron Kaiser raises under the gun to 28,000, Phil Hellmuth (pictured) reraises from the small blind to about 68,000, and Kaiser calls. The flop comes Diamond QClub 4Heart 3, Hellmuth bets 70,000, and Kaiser calls.

The turn card is the Spade 2, Hellmuth bets 82,000, and Kaiser calls. The river card is the Spade 10, and both players check.

Hellmuth shows Club AHeart 9 for ace high, but Kaiser turns over Heart JDiamond J to win the pot.

Aaron Kaiser  –  1,300,000  (130 bb)
Phil Hellmuth  –  360,000  (36 bb)

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