Recent Arrival Mike Sexton Off to Good Start

Feb 24, 2018

Mike Sexton

WPT Champions Club member Mike Sexton (pictured) raises to 900 from early position and receives three calls, including fellow WPT Champions Club member Mohsin Charania from the big blind.

They check to the turn of a Diamond 4Club 3Diamond 2Diamond 10 board where the player in the cutoff bets 2,600. Only Charania and Sexton call.

The river is the Club K, Charania checks, Sexton bets 3,000, the player in the cutoff calls, and Charania folds.

Sexton tables Diamond KSpade Q for a pair of kings, his opponent mucks, and Sexton collects the pot.

Mike Sexton – 40,000 (100 bb)
Mohsin Charania – 8,500 (21 bb)

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