Michael Ruane Check-Raise Jams the River Against Said Michailidis

Feb 24, 2018

Said Michailidis

Following a flop of Heart ASpade 10Club 3, Michael Ruane bets 900 from under the gun. Said Michailidis (pictured) raises to 2,500 from the cutoff, the player on the button folds, and Ruane calls.

The turn is the Spade A, and Ruane check-calls 4,500 from Michailidis.

The river is the Heart J, Ruane checks, Michailidis bets 9,600, and Ruane tanks for about two minutes before he check-raises all in for 22,225. Michailidis goes into the tank for about three minutes before the clocked is called, and he eventually folds.

Michael Ruane – 46,700 (311 bb)
Said Michailidis – 23,000 (153 bb)

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