Jarret Flood Eliminated in 12th Place (C$36,034)

Feb 12, 2018

Jarret Flood

David Eldridge opens to 60,000 from under the gun and Jarret Flood (pictured) calls next to act. Carlos Chadha calls on the button, as does Ryan Yu from the big blind.

The flop lands Heart 8Diamond 7Spade K and Yu and Eldridge check to Flood who bets 95,000. Chadha responds by raising to 235,000, and after Yu and Eldridge fold, Flood pushes all in for roughly 600,000. Chadha calls, and the cards are revealed.

Chadha: Spade 8Heart 7
Flood: Heart KHeart Q

Flood was at-risk and trailing, and when the Heart 10 lands on the turn, Flood would now need a king, queen, ten, or any heart to stay alive.

The dealer burns and turns the Club 7 on the river, and Flood would be eliminated in 12th place.

Carlos Chadha – 2,080,000
Jarret Flood – Eliminated in 12th place

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