Cassidy Battikha Folds Kings to Jarret Flood

Feb 11, 2018

Cassidy Battikha

Following the turn of a Club QDiamond 4Spade 2Club 4 board with about 35,000 in the pot, Jarret Flood (pictured below) checks from the big blind and Cassidy Battikha (pictured above) bets 17,000 from early position. Flood check-raises to 46,000, and Battikha calls.

The river is the Diamond 9, and Flood shoves for effectively 145,000.

Battikha tanks for about two minutes before he folds Spade KClub K face up.

Jarret Flood – 398,000
Cassidy Battikha – 145,000

Jarret Flood

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