Hand #59: Michael Behnert Eliminated in 4th Place (€60,730)

Jan 15, 2018

Michael Behnert
Hand #59: Michal Mrakes on the button folded theHeart KClub 7 and Michael Behnert moved all in from the small blind. Patrice Brandt in the big blind asked for a count and called once it was deemed to be for 490,000 in total, just shy of 10 big blinds.

Michael Behnert: Club AClub 9
Patrice Brandt: Diamond KDiamond 3

On the Heart 8Diamond 5Club 3 flop, Brandt improved to a pair of treys. Neither the Club 5 on the turn nor the Spade 6 on the river improved Behnert and he was eliminated in 4th place for €60,730.

Patrice Brandt – 1,545,000 (31bb)
Michael Behnert – Eliminated in 4th place for €60,730 ($74,088)

Michael Behnert

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