Hands #53-56: Michal Mrakes Takes from Ole Schemion

Jan 15, 2018

Hand #53: Ole Schemion raised to 100,000 on the button with the Club JDiamond 9 and Michael Behnert defended the big blind with the Diamond 9Diamond 7. Behnert checked the Spade KSpade 6Heart 2 flop, Schemion bet 70,000 and that forced a fold from Behnert.

Hand #54: Schemion opened to 110,000 in the cutoff with the Heart KDiamond 3 and Michal Mrakes called on the button with the Spade QSpade J and the flop fell Club 9Spade 8Spade 2. Schemion checked and a quick bet of Mrakes won the pot without further resistance.

Hand #55: First to act, Schemion raised to 105,000 with the Spade 10Club 10 and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #56: Mrakes raised to 105,000 with the Spade JHeart 9 and Schemion defended his big blind with the Heart KClub 4. Both players headed to the Club ADiamond 10Club 7 flop, which saw Schemion check, Mrakes bet 100,000 and win the pot right there.

Michal Mrakes – 3,615,000 (72bb)

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