Michael Behnert Doubles Through Marius Pertea

Jan 14, 2018

Michael Behnert made it 55,000 to go from under the gun and Marius Pertea three-bet to 180,000 in the cutoff. Michal Mrakes eyed the stack of Pertea carefully and used one time bank extension before letting go from the big blind.  Behnert also used one time bank extension and ultimately moved all in for 425,000, Pertea almost beat him into the pot.

Michael Behnert: Heart ADiamond K
Marius Pertea: Diamond QHeart Q

The coin flip saw Behnert in need of help and he got there thanks to the board of Diamond ASpade 7Club 2Spade JHeart J to leave Pertea with fewer than 10 big blinds.

Michael Behnert – 900,000 (37bb)
Marius Pertea – 220,000 (9bb)

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