Jeffrey Cormier Eliminated in 11th Place (€17,775)

Jan 14, 2018

Jeffrey Cormier
Within two consecutive hands, the previous double up of Jeffrey Cormier was canceled out and the Canadian ran out of chips entirely.

Cormier raised to 52,000 on the button and picked up calls by Marius Pertea in the small blind and Han Kuo in the big blind. The flop fell Diamond QHeart 7Spade 5 and action checked to Cormier. His bet of 77,000 was called only by Pertea before the Diamond 8 turn went check, check.

After the Spade 9 river, Pertea checked and called a bet worth 175,000 by Cormier, who immediately mucked to forfeit the pot.

The very next hand, Cormier moved all in for 497,000 from the cutoff and Kuo asked for a count in the small blind before announcing the call.

Jeffrey Cormier: Club 4Spade 4
Han Kuo: Club ADiamond K

The board came Heart JDiamond 10Club 8Heart 9Heart Q and Kuo won the flip with the nut straight on the river, sending Cormier to the rail in 11th place for €17,775. Maxi Lehmanski will be moved over to balance the remaining field and the unofficial final table will be set after the next elimination.

Han Kuo – 1,820,000 (91bb)
Marius Pertea – 1,180,000 (59bb)
Jeffrey Cormier – Eliminated in 11th place for €17,775 ($21,508)

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