Paul Michaelis Takes a Hit

Jan 12, 2018

A raise by Paul Michaelis was called by Behzad Zarnegar and Ran Azor in the big blind. The latter shoved the Heart AHeart KHeart 7 flop for 29,000 and Michaelis called, while Zarnegar open-folded pocket nines.

Ran Azor: Heart 10Heart 4
Paul Michaelis: Spade ASpade 2

“Oh my god,” Michaelis sighed, but picked up some back door outs with the Diamond K turn. A blank Club J on the river brought no runner runner upset. The next hand, Michaelis opened to 5,500 and folded to Azor’s three-bet shove in the big blind, Azor flashed Heart AHeart K and raked in another pot.

Behzad Zarnegar – 150,000
Paul Michaelis – 140,000
Ran Azor – 85,000

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