Kfir Ivgi vs Jeff Cormier

Jan 10, 2018

Kfir Ivgi raised from late position to 1,500 and Jeff Cormier defended his big blind.

The flop came Spade 6Spade 8Spade 4 and Cormier check-called a bet of 2,500. Both players checked the Spade Q turn and the river brought the Diamond 4.

Cormier checked again and Ivgi bet 5,000. Cormier separated the 5,000 from his stack.

“You’re not going to fold ever?” asked Ivgi and Cormier threw the chip into the pot.

Ivgi turned over Spade AHeart Q and Cormier restudied his holdings.

“Show me something! Show me something that you had,” said Ivgi and Cormier turned over the Club 4 for trip fours.

“You got lucky,” said Ivgi, “No, maybe I got lucky.”

Kfir Ivgi – 60,000
Jeff Cormier – 75,000

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