David Peters Bets 2.3x Pot on the River Against Ari Engel

Nov 13, 2017

David Peters

David Peters (pictured) raises under the gun to 11,500, and Ari Engel calls from middle position. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart QHeart 9Club 4Diamond 6, Peters bets 28,000, and Engel calls. There is now 67,500 in the pot

The river card is the Club 2, Peters bets 160,000 — more than twice the amount already in the pot — and Engel uses one of his Time Chips to tank for nearly a minute before he calls.

Peters shows Club 9Spade 6 to win the pot with two pair, nines and sixes, and Engel mucks. Peters is now a contender for the chip lead two spots away from the money.

David Peters  –  730,000  (146 bb)
Ari Engel  –  225,000  (45 bb)

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