Trevor Delaney Eliminated by Maxime Heroux

Nov 13, 2017

Trevor Delaney

Grigoriy Shvarts raises to 5,000 from middle position, Feizal Satchu calls from the next seat over, Conray Watson calls from the button, and Trevor Delaney (pictured) reraises all in from the small blind for 51,100. Maxime Heroux calls from the big blind, and the rest of the players involved fold.

Delaney: Heart AHeart 10
Heroux: Club JDiamond J

The board comes down Club 10Spade 3Diamond 2Diamond 7Spade Q, not enough help to Delaney, locking up the pot for Heroux.

Maxime Heroux – 380,000 (190 bb)
Trevor Delaney – Eliminated

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