Double Elimination Boosts Athanasios Fergiatakis

Nov 9, 2017

On a Spade 6Spade 5Diamond 2 flop Athanasios Fergiatakis and Soufiane Gherbi checked to Ismail Akguc who bet 5,000. Fergiatakis check-raised to 15,000 and Gherbi moved all in.

Akguc thought about his options before moving all in, and was swiftly followed by Fergiatakis.

Athanasios Fergiatakis: Spade ASpade 2
Soufiane Gherbi: Spade 4Spade 9
Ismail Akguc: Spade JSpade 7

All three players held flush draws but Fergiatakis was ahead courtesy of his pair of deuces. The turn was the Club A giving him two pair and had Gherbi calling for a three which would give him a straight.

The river was the Club 8 and Fergiatakis sent both his opponents to the rail.

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