Thomas Smith Eliminated by Matt Glantz

Oct 2, 2017

Matt Glantz raises to 10,000 from early position, and it folds around to Eric Fields who looks across the table at Glantz.

“How much is that smile worth?” jokes Fields as he folds. Thomas Smith is next to act and goes all in for his last 45,000 or so, and when it folds to Glantz and he calls, everyone gets an answer to Fields’s question.

It was worth a pair of tens, as Glantz shows Heart 10Spade 10 while Smith needs help with Heart AHeart 8. The Club 2Diamond 2Club KClub 6Club 9 board doesn’t provide any improvement to Smith, and he is out.

You can’t really tell it from his reserved expression, but Glantz has about 335,000 now.

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