Joao Franco Doubles Through Pedro Goncalves on the First Hand

Sep 3, 2017

Joao Franco
In the very first hand of play at the final table, Pedro Goncalves opened to 30,000 from middle position and Joao Franco defended his big blind.

The flop came Spade 9Spade 8Club K and both players checked. The turn was the Diamond 3 and Franco moved all in for 196,000. Goncalves thought through his options, separating the chips to make the call from the rest of his stack before sliding it forwards.

Franco turned over Club ADiamond A and Goncalves looked surprised to show Diamond JClub J.

According to Franco, pocket Jacks are his favourite hand, and here he would have to avoid one of two remaining Jacks to stay alive. The river was the Spade A and Franco doubled up.

Joao Franco – 450,000
Pedro Goncalves – 250,000

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