Turn Causes Calamity for Carlos Duarte

Aug 31, 2017

Manuel Cazador
The player under the gun raised to 1,200. The hijack called as did Carlos Duarte in the cutoff before Manuel Cazador (pictured above) three-bet to 4,600. The initial raiser folded and both remaining players called.

The flop came Diamond 9Club 6Club 2. The three players checked. The turn was the Heart Q and it checked to Cazador who bet 8,000. The hijack folded before Duarte raised all in for 11,500. Cazador called.

Cazador: Spade AClub Q
Duarte: Spade QClub J

Duarte needed a Jack on the river, but it was the Club 3 and Duarte was eliminated.

Manuel Cazador – 52,500
Carlos Duarte – Eliminated

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