KC Panjwani Eliminated in 28th Place ($15,953)

Aug 7, 2017

KC Panjwani opens to 75,000 and Cary Moomjian calls in the cutoff before Michael Stashin three-bets the small blind to 200,000. Panjwani moves all in for 846,000, and once Moomjian folds, Stashin calls.

Stashin: Spade KClub K
Panjwani: Spade JDiamond J

With Panjwani in bad shape, the Diamond KDiamond AClub 9 flop would further his disadvantage in the hand until he picked up some additional outs on the turn when it fell the Diamond 2.

Unfortunately for Panjwani, the river lands the Club 7, and he is eliminated in 28th place while Stashin motors up to 4,210,000 in chips.

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