Josh Yeomans and Konstantinos Nanos Eliminated by Dmitry Vitkind

Jul 3, 2017

Josh Yoemans
Photo:  WPT League Member Josh Yeomans

There is a three-way all-in situation between Josh Yeomans, Dmitry Vitkind, and WPT Champions Club member Konstantinos Nanos. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts, with a single 1K chip (half an ante) separating Vitkind and Nanos.

Dmitry Vitkind:  Heart 5Diamond 5
Konstantinos Nanos:  Heart KHeart J
Josh Yeomans:  Diamond KDiamond 4

The board comes Diamond 8Club 7Heart 6Spade 8Diamond A, and the pocket fives hold up for Vitkind to win the entire pot and eliminate two players on one hand.

Dmitry Vitkind  –  245,000  (31 bb)
Konstantinos Nanos  –  Eliminated in 72nd Place  ($900)
Josh Yeomans  –  Eliminated in 73rd Place  ($900)

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