Antonin Teisseire Eliminated in 6th Place (€11,030)

Jun 4, 2017


The hand after losing more than half his stack to Erwann Pecheux, Antonin Teisseire open-shoved his remaining 252,000 from early position. Omar Lakhdari called and Jonathan Khalifa called as well.

Both active players checked the Heart 8Diamond 9Club 8 on the flop. Khalifa bet 250,000 on the Spade J turn and Lakhdari called. The Club 3 got checked again.

Jonathan Khalifa: Club QClub 10
Antonin Teisseire: Club ASpade 8
Omar Lakhdari: Heart AHeart 10

Khalifa’s turned queen-high straight was enough to oust Teisseire, who’s trip eights ended up second best. Teisseire hit the rail in 6th place, which gave him another €11,030 ($12,389) on top of his already $2M+ lifetime winnings. The likeable French pro received handshakes and hugs from his tablemates as he made his way to the exit.


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