Randy Gil Eliminated by Michael Michaels in Three-Way All-In

May 12, 2017


Steven Cook raises preflop under the gun, and Michael Michaels reraises on the hijack, Randy Gil (pictured) reraises all in for 5,725 on the big blind, and both players call. The flop is dealt Spade ADiamond 8Spade 7 and both remaining live players check.

The turn falls Heart 3, and Cook checks. Michaels bets 10,000, and Cook calls. The river delivers the Heart 9, and Cook checks again. Michaels fires out another 10,000, and Cook once again calls. The players then reveal their cards.

Michaels: Heart ADiamond A
Cook: Heart JSpade J

Gil folds his cards and he is eliminated on the hand. Gil went directly over to the cashier cage to re-enter after the hand. Michaels is up to 72,500 after collecting the pot, and Cook is down to 24,500.

Michael Michaels – 72,500 (362 bb)
Steven Cook – 24,500 (122 bb)
Rany Gil – Eliminated

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