Niels van der Heijden Chops with Aces

May 7, 2017

Niels van der Heijden

Niels van der Heijden was one of the chip-leaders at the end of Day 1b, but as the day has gone on he’s gotten shorter and was all in against Richard Milne.

Van der Heijden held Club AHeart A and Milne Club QDiamond Q.

“Good luck,” said Milne, “I always run good in Amsterdam.”

The flop was Spade 5Heart 7Club 4 and Milne called for an eight and a six to give him a straight. The turn was the Club 3 and Milne called for a six. The river was the Heart 6 giving both players a straight.

“Sorry young fella,” laughed Milne, “Well, I’m not really sorry, but I’m just saying it for the cameras!”

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