Scott Davies Not Done with the DeepStacks Yet

May 7, 2017

Scott Davies

Scott Davies had around 40,000 in chips and moved all in from the small blind. Roger Peetoom was in the big blind and was the shorter of the two stacks, with just under 30,000 in chips and he rubbed his cards for luck before taking a peek and calling.

Davies held the attractive-looking suited connectors of Diamond 10Diamond 9 while Peetoom had Heart AClub K.

The flop was a good one for Peetoom as it came Club AHeart 2Spade K. There was no help for Davies on the Spade 2 turn, and he was drawing dead by the Spade 7.

The next hand it folded to Davies on the button and he moved all in with Diamond 10Diamond 4. “It’s mathematically the bottom of my range shoving four big blinds from the button,” laughed Davies how he told us how he tripled up to 33,000 after rivering a flush.

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