Ankush Mandavia Flops Quad Eights vs. Tom Sego

Mar 14, 2017

Ankush Mandavia

Tom Sego raises from the small blind, and Ankush Mandavia (pictured) calls from the big blind. The flop comes Heart 8Diamond 8Club 8, Sego bets 80,000, and Mandavia calls. The turn card is the Club K, and both players check.

The river card is the Spade 3, Sego checks, Mandavia bets 175,000, and Sego calls. Mandavia shows Heart 9Spade 8 to win the pot with quad eights, and Sego mucks.

Ankush Mandavia – 715,000  (60 bb)
Tom Sego – 123,000 (10 bb)

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