Jeremy Meacham Doubles Through Richard McCrary to Take the Lead

Mar 13, 2017

The action folds to Richard McCrary on the button and he raises to 310,000. Jeremy Meacham reraises to 650,000 from the small blind and Corey Bierria folds his big blind. With the action back on McCrary he moves all in for 2,335,000 barely covering Meacham who has 2,175,000.

Meacham snap calls turning over Spade AHeart A and McCrary shows Club JClub 7 for just jack high. They see a flop of Diamond KSpade 4Diamond 8 and it’s no help to McCrary. The turn Heart Kleaves McCrary drawing dead and the meaningless Heart 10 hits the river. Meacham’s aces earn him the massive pot moving him into the chip lead crippling McCrary in the process.

Jeremy Meacham- 4,449,000
Richard McCrary- 160,000

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