Shooting Star Matt Glantz Eliminated by Daniel Aharoni

Mar 6, 2017

Matt Glantz Matt Glantz

There is a three-way all-in between Shooting Star Matt Glantz (pictured) in middle position, the player on the button, and Daniel Aharoni in the small blind.

Aharoni has both of his opponents covered and has the best of it with Spade KHeart K. The player on the button has Club 9Spade 9 and Glantz has an overcard with Heart AClub Q.

The board runs out Spade JDiamond 5Spade 3Club 3Club 6 and Aharoni’s kings hold to give him the pot and the bounty on Glantz’s head.

Daniel Aharoni   –  61,500  (410 bb)
Matt Glantz  –  Eliminated

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