Matt Schultz Doubles Thru Daniel Strelitz

Feb 28, 2017

Matt Schultz

Rainer Kempe raises under the gun to 33,000, Daniel Strelitz calls from the cutoff, and Matt Schultz (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for 258,000. Kempe folds, and Strelitz asks for an exact count before he calls with Heart 5Diamond 5. Schultz turns over Spade AClub 8, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond AClub JSpade 6Heart ASpade 7, and Schultz pairs his ace on the flop and turns trips to win the pot and double up in chips.

Matt Schultz  –  579,000  (36 bb)
Daniel Strelitz  –  2,020,000  (126 bb)

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