Matt Schultz Doubles Thru Mike Eskandari

Feb 27, 2017

Matt Schultz

Jon Borenstein raises from middle position to 12,000, Richard Sciato calls from middle position, and Mike Eskandari reraises from the hijack to 41,000. Matt Schultz (pictured) moves all in from the cutoff for 93,000, and Borenstein and Sciato both fold.

Eskandari calls with Heart QClub Q, and Schultz turns over Spade ADiamond A. Schultz needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart 10Heart 9Spade 6Club 10Club 7, and the pocket aces hold up for Schultz to win the pot and double up in chips.

Matt Schultz  –  223,000  (45 bb)
Mike Eskandari  –  194,000  (39 bb)

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