Pascal Lefrancois Puts Carter Swidler to the Test

Feb 13, 2017

Pascal Lefrancois
Pascal Lefrancois (pictured) raises to 35,000 from middle position and Carter Swidler reraises to 81,000 in the hijack. Lefrancois calls, and they go heads-up to a flop of Heart 9Spade 5Heart 2.

Lefrancois checks, Swidler bets 73,000, and Lefrancois calls. The two check theĀ Heart 3 on the turn., then the river brings theĀ Spade 6.

Lefrancois eyes Swidler’s remaining 270,000 or so. He thinks another minute or so and moves all in, having Swidler well covered.

Swidler thinks things over for a minute or two before opting to fold.

Pascal Lefrancois – 1,540,000 (96 bb)
Carter Swidler – 270,000 (17 bb)

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