Hendrik Latz vs. Ema Zajmovic

Feb 13, 2017

Hendrik Latz
Hendrik Latz (pictured) raises to 27,000 in middle position and Ema Zajmovic defends her big blind.

The flop comes Club QDiamond 9Diamond 8 and both players check. The turn is the Heart 3. Zajmovic bets 20,000 and Latz calls.

The river is the Diamond 2. Zajmovic bets 38,000 and Latz calls again.

Latz turns over Diamond 7Club 7 and Zajmovic shows Heart KClub 10 for a busted straight draw.

Hendrik Latz – 915,000 (76 bb)
Ema Zajmovic – 315,000 (26 bb)

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