Daniel Negreanu and Lily Kiletto Eliminated by Chipleader Robin Hegele

Dec 5, 2016

Daniel Negreanu
Photo:  Daniel Negreanu

Peter Neff raises from the hijack to 400, Robin Hegele reraises from the cutoff to 1,200, and Daniel Negreanu reraises from the button to 5,000. Lily Kiletto moves all in from the small blind for 10,250, and Neff folds.

Hegele moves all in, and Negreanu calls all in for about 33,000. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Robin Hegele:  Spade ASpade K
Daniel Negreanu:  Spade JHeart J
Lily Kiletto:  Heart 10Diamond 10

When the cards are turned over, Negreanu says, “If I win this one, I can stop playing crazy.”

The board comes Heart 7Heart 4Diamond 3Club ADiamond 8, and Hegele pairs his ace on the turn to win the entire pot and eliminate both players. The hand also gives Hegele the chip lead, and he now has more chips than last year’s Day 1 chipleader.

Robin Hegele  –  163,000  (1,087 bb)
Daniel Negreanu  –  Eliminated
Lily Kiletto  –  Eliminated

Negreanu heads to the cage to re-enter, and it sounds like he will continue to be quite active until he builds up a big chip stack.

Robin Hegele
Photo:  Chipleader Robin Hegele

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