Andrei Boghean Triples Up

Nov 22, 2016

Andrei Boghean

Andrei Boghean (pictured) moves all in from the cutoff for 239,000, Stephen Woodhead moves all in from the button for about 600,000, and Ryan Yu snap-calls from the big blind, covering both players. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Ryan Yu:  Spade QClub Q
Stephen Woodhead:  Heart AClub 9
Andrei Boghean:  Diamond QClub J

The board comes Club 10Diamond 8Club 7Diamond 6Diamond 9 — Woodhead turns a ten-high straight, but he’s counterfeited on the river. Boghean wins the pot with a queen-high straight to triple up in chips, while Yu and Woodhead chop the side pot with a ten-high straight on the board.

Andrei Boghean  –  745,000  (37 bb)
Ryan Yu  –  490,000  (25 bb)
Stephen Woodhead  –  370,000  (19 bb)

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