Milagros Peterson Eliminated by Andy Bacon

Nov 22, 2016

Milagros Peterson

Ryan Yu raises to 6,500 from under the gun, Andy Bacon calls from the small blind, and Milagros Peterson (pictured) calls from the big blind.

The flop is Club 10Diamond 10Spade 6 and action checks to Yu who continues for 7,000. Both Bacon and Peterson call.

The turn is the Club 6 and all three players check.

The river is the Spade Q and Bacon bets 35,000. Peterson raises all in for about 45,000, Yu folds, and Bacon calls.

Peterson shows Diamond AClub Q for queens and tens, but Bacon tables Club JHeart 10 for tens full of sixes to score the elimination.

Andy Bacon – 305,000 (102 bb)
Milagros Peterson – Eliminated

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