Aces vs. Aces for Garrett Greer and Terris Preston

Nov 14, 2016

Garrett Greer

Herbie Montalbano raises under the gun to 7,500, Terris Preston reraises from the button to 22,500, and Garrett Greer (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for about 80,000. Montalbano folds, and Preston calls with Spade AHeart A.

Greer turns over Diamond AClub A — aces vs. aces. Unless somebody makes a flush, it’ll be a chopped pot.

The flop comes Heart KHeart QClub Q, and Preston is freerolling with a backdoor heart flush draw. But the turn is the Diamond 9, the river is the Heart J, and it’s a chopped pot.

Terris Preston  –  420,000  (140 bb)
Garrett Greer  –  88,000  (29 bb)

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