ClubWPT VIP Experience: Erick Steinbergen at WPT Parx Open Poker Classic

One of the benefits of being a ClubWPT VIP member is getting the chance to play for a package to a World Poker Tour event with the opportunity to win millions while getting the full WPT Experience of meeting the WPT cast, hanging out at a WPT televised final table (if you’re not playing it)…

Matt Clark
Aug 27, 2012

One of the benefits of being a ClubWPT VIP member is getting the chance to play for a package to a World Poker Tour event with the opportunity to win millions while getting the full WPT Experience of meeting the WPT cast, hanging out at a WPT televised final table (if you’re not playing it) and attending the many VIP events available to members.

One of the most recent ClubWPT members to get the full experience was Erick Steinbergen, who won a package to play at the recent WPT Parx Open Poker Classic. We caught up with Erick after he returned home to see what his final thoughts were on his experience. And make sure to check out his video interview with’s Diana Cox from the event below.

Can you please describe the experience of winning your tournament entry on
It still seams surreal to me that something recreational for only $20.00 a month took us out there and paid for the whole thing. To be there playing with people that I have seen on TV is indescribable.

What did you think of the Parx Casino when you arrived for the tournament?
It was nice, I was surprised they didn’t have a hotel in it though. The staff were friendly, and the food was good.

How was your tournament experience? Did you play with any of your favorite pros?
The whole thing was a good experience. I didn’t play with any of my personal favorites although their were several people I recognized from TV. I play the entire 10 hours of day one with the 4th place winner of the tournament Larry.

Did you enjoy the WPT players party or partake in any of the off-the-felt activities?
We attended the players party and went to the final table as spectators.

Did you meet any of the WPT cast?
Yes, I met Mike and Vince both. Mike interviewed me briefly while at the table. I met Matt Savage, and Tony Dunst. I also met all of the Royal Flush Girls. Everyone was very nice and sociable.

How did it feel to be interviewed on camera?
I wasn’t as nervous as I expected to be. I don’t think the cameras changed my game any.

Any final words?
Its not the last time you will see me.

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