Eric Panayiotou Eliminated on the Money Bubble by Douglas Stewart

Sep 21, 2016

Eric Panayiotou
Photo: Eric Panayiotou (left) vs. Douglas Stewart (center).

In the 10th hand of hand-for-hand play, Eric Panayiotou moves all in from middle position for 39,000, and Douglas Stewart moves all in over the top for about 180,000 with Diamond QClub Q. Panayiotou turns over Spade JDiamond J, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club 8Heart 5Spade 4Heart QSpade 10, and Stewart turns a set of queens to win the pot and eliminate Panayiotou on the Money Bubble in 111th place.

Douglas Stewart  –  245,000  (31 bb)
Eric Panayiotou  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

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