Hand #71: Alexander Villa Eliminated in 4th Place (CAD $23,500)

Aug 25, 2016

Alexander Villa

Hand #71 – Alexander Villa raises to 125,000 on the button. Jeffrey Cormier is in the big blind and three-bets to 460,000. Villa calls.

The flop comes Spade 10Diamond 5Club 2. Cormier immediately moves all in, and Villa thinks for a moment and decides to call.

Cormier: Club AHeart 10
Villa: Spade 7Club 7

The turn is the Heart 9, and the river is the Spade K. Villa is unable to improve, and is sent home in fourth place.

Seat 1.  Nathan Hall  –  3,770,000  (62 bb)
Seat 2.  Jeffrey Cormier  –  7,125,000  (118 bb)
Seat 3.  Jason Mandanici-Turcot  –  1,255,000  (20 bb)
Seat 5.  Alexander Villa  –  Eliminated in 4th Place (CAD $23,500)

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