Jason Comtois Eliminated in 10th Place (CAD $6,700) by Tanveer Dhanjal

Aug 24, 2016

Action folds around to Jason Comtois in the hijack, and he moves all in for 250,000. Tanveer Dhanjal is in the small blind and calls.

Dhanjal: Spade ASpade 4
Comtois: Club ADiamond 10

The flop comes Diamond 8Spade 6Heart 4, and Dhanjal pulls ahead with a pair of fours.

The turn is the Club 5, and the river is the Club K, sending Comtois to the rail.

Tanveer Dhanjal – 800,000 (33 bb)
Jason Comtois – Eliminated in 10th Place (CAD $6,700)

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