Jeffrey Cormier is Not Monkeying Around

Aug 24, 2016

Heart 7Diamond 6Heart 2On a board reading, Jeffrey Cormier leads out for 65,000, and Tomislav Pavkovic moves all in for 450,000. Cormier snap-calls.

Cormier: Heart AHeart 4
Pavkovic: Spade 8Diamond 8

The turn is the Spade A, and Cormier cheers as he hits his over card to make a pair of aces.

The river is the Spade 3, and Pavkovic heads to the door while saying, “You’re bananas. How do you get your whole stack in with a flush draw? Just bananas.”

Pavkovic is left with just 22,000 in chips, however he thinks he has been eliminated and has left. The tournament director has gone to get him.

Jeffrey Cormier – 900,000 (56 bb)
Tomislav Pavkovic – 22,000 (1 bb)

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