Daniel Charette Eliminated in 32nd Place (CAD $2,100) by Alexander Villa

Aug 24, 2016

Alexander Villa is in the big blind, and checks to Daniel Charette in early position.

The board reads Club 3Club 2Heart 2Spade J, with about 90,000 in the pot already.

Charette bets 28,000, and Villa check-raises all in. Charette calls.

Villa shows Spade 3Spade 2 for a full house, deuces full of threes. Charette tables Spade KDiamond J for two pair, jacks and deuces.

The river is the Spade 6, and Charette is eliminated.

Alexander Villa – 520,000 (86 bb)
Daniel Charette – Eliminated in 32nd Place (CAD $2,100)

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