Thomas Lefort Eliminated in 5th Place ($1,250) by Jason Mandanici-Turcot

Aug 22, 2016

Jason Mandanici-Turcot moves all in under the gun for about 130,000, and Thomas Lefort calls all in from the small blind for 75,000 with Heart 7Diamond 7. Mandanici-Turcot turns over Diamond AHeart 9, and Lefort needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade KDiamond 9Diamond 6Heart 6Club 10, and Mandanici-Turcot pairs his nine on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Lefort in sixth place.

Jason Mandanici-Turcot  –  220,500  (22 bb)
Thomas Lefort  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($1,250)

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