Kieu Hoa Lam Eliminated by Christopher Murrin

Aug 22, 2016

Andrej Markovinovic raises from middle position to 7,500, Christopher Murrin calls from the hijack, Noeung Troeung calls from the cutoff, and Kieu Hoa Lam moves all in from the small blind for 17,500.

Markovinovic calls, and Murrin moves all in over the top. Troeung thinks for a while before he folds, and Markovinovic thinks for a while before he folds as well.

Lam turns over Spade JSpade 9, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Murrin’s Diamond 9Club 9.

The board comes Heart ASpade 6Heart 6Club 3Diamond 7, and the pocket nines hold up for Murrin to win the pot and eliminate Lam in 16th spot, two spots away from the money.

Christopher Murrin  –  115,000  (38 bb)
Kieu Hoa Lam  –  Eliminated

The final 15 players are now playing hand-for-hand on the Money Bubble.

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