Jason Comtois vs. Frederic Cossette

Aug 21, 2016

Jason Comtois

Jason Comtois (pictured) limps UTG+1 for 6,000, Frederic Cossette raises from the cutoff to 20,000, and Comtois calls.

The flop comes Club 10Heart 10Heart 5, Comtois checks, Cossette bets 22,000, and Comtois moves all in for about 130,000. Cossette goes into the tank for a long time, and eventually another player calls the clock on him. Just as the one-minute countdown is nearly complete, Cossette folds.

Comtois asks, “Ace-king?” Cossette nods. Comtois then shows his cards — Heart 8Diamond 8 — as he takes the pot.

Jason Comtois  –  187,000  (31 bb)
Frederic Cossette  –  85,000  (14 bb)

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