Didier Morissonneau Eliminated in 9th Place ($1,000) by Daniel Charette

Aug 21, 2016

Didier Morissonneau (pictured above) moves all in from middle position for 48,500, and Daniel Charette moves all in over the top from the hijack for about 245,000. Everyone else folds.

Morissonneau turns over Spade KClub J, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Charette’s Spade QDiamond Q.

The board comes Spade ASpade 6Diamond 6Heart 10Spade 2, and the pocket queens hold up for Charette to win the pot and eliminate Morissonneau in ninth place.

Daniel Charette  –  305,000  (61 bb)
Didier Morissonneau  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($1,000)

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