Patrick Piche Eliminated in 10th Place ($750) by Stephane Houle

Aug 20, 2016

Stephane Houle (L) and Patrick Piche (R)

Jonathan Bussieres raises to 9,500 from late position. Stephane Houle (left in the photo above) is in the hijack and calls. Patrick Piche (right in the photo above) is in the cutoff and moves all in for 37,000. The player in the small blind tanks for a full minute before deciding to muck his hand. Bussieres thinks for just a moment before deciding to fold also. Action is back on Houle, and he announces, “Call.”

Houle shows Club ASpade Q, while Piche tables a dominating Heart QClub Q.

The flop comes Heart ADiamond 8Diamond 6, putting Houle in the lead with a pair of aces, and leaving Piche with just one out in the deck to save his tournament life.

The turn is the Diamond 2 and the river is the Diamond 7, sending Piche to the rail in 10th place.

Stephane Houle – 150,000 (37 bb)
Patrick Piche – Eliminated in 10th Place ($750)

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