10 Questions with WPT Anchor and New Mom Kimberly Lansing

WPT Anchor Kimberly Lansing took some time away from the road during World Poker Tour Season X to work on a very personal project — the start of her family and birth of her first child, Jake. Now, with the start of Season XI just days away, Kim will be back behind the anchor desk…

Matt Clark
Aug 7, 2012

Kimberly Lansing

WPT Anchor Kimberly Lansing took some time away from the road during World Poker Tour Season X to work on a very personal project — the start of her family and birth of her first child, Jake. Now, with the start of Season XI just days away, Kim will be back behind the anchor desk — possibly with a little company at her side.

As Kim prepares to host the inaugural WPT Parx Open Poker Classic, we sat down with her to talk about being a working mother, traveling with an infant and, most importantly, cheesesteaks.

WPT Blog: First off, welcome back. What are you most excited about in getting back to work?

Kimberly Lansing: Thank you! It’s great to be back on the air. I’m most looking forward to visiting some of my favorite spots on tour, including Paris. I’m also thrilled to be getting back to work with everyone on the road. It’s like one big family traveling the world each month.

What have the past several months been like? Have you guys mostly stayed in San Francisco since Jake was born and have had family come to you, or have you done any traveling with Jake?

The past few months have been completely different and unbelievably amazing. It takes a while to get into the groove of having a baby and being responsible for another life and, to be honest, I’m still finding my groove. But being a parent is as wonderful as everyone says. Life now has meaningI

As for travel, do you really think I’m capable of staying in one city for that long? Jake is five months old and he’s been to Vegas twice (of course), Laguna Beach, and Maui. He’s also going to Los Angeles with me in August (for the Bike), Cabo in September, and Bora Bora in December. He’s a great traveler!

Baby names are always tough to pick out. How’d you guys go about finally deciding on a name?

It wasn’t easy and we debated for nine months. Ultimately, it was between Jake and Hudson. We decided to meet him first and instantly knew… he was a Jake.

They say you can read all the books about parenting, get tons of advice from everyone but nothing can truly prepare you for motherhood. We take it you’d agree with that?

Everyone has their own unique experience and every baby, child, and adult is different. Life is about growing and motherhood definitely fits in that category.

What’s the best parenting advice someone has given you that has made all the difference?

I got some advice today from both my best friend and Jake’s pediatrician: cry it out. I’m told this is the best advice and I’ll let you know if it truly is… in three days, apparently.

How would you say your husband Zach is adjusting to fatherhood?

He’s been great. When he isn’t at the office, he’s in full-on Dad mode helping with feedings, dirty diapers, and rocking Jake to sleep. I know I’m lucky to have such great support, but I also knew when I married him that he’d be a great dad.

Recently, the new CEO of Yahoo! announced that she was expecting, which spurred a great deal of public conversation and media about working moms. Are you surprised that in 2012 we are still having these conversations?

Before I was a mother I would have probably been surprised, but now I actually understand why it would spark discussion. Being a mom to a newborn can be tough, not only physically, but emotionally. Think about it. We grow a human being inside our body, push them out, recover, take on the trials of nursing, sleep deprivation, and hormone surges. It’s a huge transition for any woman whether she’s the CEO of Yahoo! or a waitress at the Olive Garden.

What do you see being the biggest challenges of work and parenthood, especially as a new mother?

Fortunately, the only challenge I have is being away from Jake for a couple of days at a time. I’m so grateful to have the job and the hours I have. I don’t know what I’d do if I had a 9-5 situation. It would be hard to leave him every day.

Will Jake be traveling with you to events?

He’ll come to Vegas and LA. Other than that, it’s too hard on him (and me) to deal with the travel and time change for such short trips. I think babies like schedules and predictability, so bringing him to hotels far away from home while I’m busy filming all day isn’t the best idea.

Your first event back is the WPT Parx Poker Classic. Have you been to Philadelphia before? What are you looking forward to the most?

I’ve driven through Philly enroute to Borgata, so I guess that doesn’t count. I’m most looking forward to the cheesesteaks, of course! And I won’t be ordering with Whiz. I like the real stuff.

Check out the video below to see an interview we did with Kimberly back in the fall while still on maternity leave, and join us in welcoming her back to the WPT Anchor desk.


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