Sanjeepan Sathasivam Eliminated in 6th Place ($1,250) by Fabio Luongo

Aug 19, 2016

Sanjeepan Sathasivam

Michael Bellizzi raises to 8,000 on the button, and Fabio Luongo (pictured, left) three-bets to 22,000 from the small blind. Sanjeepan Sathasivam (pictured, right) thinks for a moment and three-bet shoves all in from the big blind. Bellizzi gets out of the way, and Luongo snap-calls.

Luongo tables Spade JHeart J, while Sathasivam shows Spade KSpade 8.

The flop comes Club KDiamond JClub 7, giving Sathasivam a pair of kings, however Luongo flops a set of jacks.

The turn is the Spade 3, and the river is the Club 6, sending Sathasivam home in 6th place.

Fabio Luongo  –  211,000  (52 bb)
Sanjeepan Sathasivam  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($1,250)

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