Jean Michel Mazingarbe Doubles Through Spencer Stacey

Aug 19, 2016

On a board reading Club 7Diamond 6Spade 5, with about 2,500 in the pot, Isabelle Tremblay checks from the small blind, as does the player in the big blind.

Spencer Stacey is in early position, and bets 550. Jean Michel Mazingarbe is in middle position and moves all in for 10,875. Action folds back around to Stacey, who takes a moment to put together enough chips for a call.

Mazingarbe tables Heart 10Club 10 for a pair of tens, and Stacey shows Spade 8Heart 8 for a pair of eights and an open-ended straight draw.

The turn is the Heart 6, and the river is the Heart 3, sending the pot Mazingarbe’s way.

Jean Michel Mazingarbe – 24,250 (121 bb)
Spencer Stacey – 7,000 (35 bb)

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